Get Help & Support
If you feel threatened or unsafe. . .
Call the Yale Police (203-432-4400) or 911 (for emergencies) immediately.
If you have experienced discrimination or harassment and want to understand your options for resolution . . .
There are many University resources on campus to support you as well as individuals who can help you explore your options when you have questions or concerns. You can reach out to a Discrimination and Harassment Resource Coordinator or to the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility and can report discrimination or harassment online by completing this form.
Students can also talk with others with whom you are comfortable, such as your residential college dean, or the dean of student affairs in your school. If you’d like to talk with someone about sexual misconduct or gender discrimination, you can reach out directly to a Deputy Title IX Coordinator (who in some cases is also the Discrimination and Harassment Resource Coordinator).
View a list of Discrimination and Harassment Resource Coordinators and Deputy Title IX Coordinators.
If you have a complaint or concern related to a disability. . .
Faculty and staff requesting disability accommodations should contact the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility.
Students requesting accommodations for disabilities should contact Student Accessibility Services.
Individuals with complaints or concerns related to a disability are encouraged to contact OIEA. The Director of OIEA serves as the University’s ADA Coordinator and Section 504 Coordinator.
More information regarding accessibility at Yale is located on Yale’s Accessibility website.
If you want to speak with someone confidentially. . .
Privacy concerns are often at the forefront when someone feels they have experienced discrimination or harassment. It is useful to know the level of privacy and/or confidentiality that individuals can expect from each of the university resources. University officials are trained in the importance of privacy and confidentiality.
Discrimination and Harassment Resource Coordinators and representatives from the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility will maintain the privacy of concerns and complaints as much as possible, consistent with the nature of the concerns. An individual may request that the University not disclose their identity to anyone else, including the person accused of misconduct. The University strives to preserve the privacy of information shared where maintaining such privacy does not conflict with Yale’s obligation to appropriately respond to reports and eliminate discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation.
When you consult in confidence, SHARE Center counselors, healthcare providers (including mental health practitioners), and chaplains in confidence, they, in their professional capacities, will not reveal any information you share without your explicit permission except in rare circumstances where your or another person’s health or safety is at imminent risk.
Deputy Title IX Coordinators, the staff and members of the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC), and the Yale Police Department have specialized training and expertise in addressing issues of sexual misconduct, and will protect your privacy and share information only on a need-to-know basis. Deputy Title IX Coordinators report information about disclosures to the Title IX Office, which provides guidance on supportive measures and oversight on actions taken to address sexual misconduct. In cases of sexual assault or other criminal conduct, Deputy Title IX Coordinators will share nonidentifying details about the incident with the Yale Police Department for statistical purposes (as required by the federal Clery Act), and will advise you about the resources and assistance that the police can provide.
Certain individuals on campus have a responsibility to report allegations of sexual misconduct to a Deputy Title IX Coordinator. These individuals include all faculty, certain administrators, UWC members, and students in official roles such as Communication and Consent Educators (CCEs), Peer Liaisons, and First Year Counselors.
Some individuals, known as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) under the federal Clery Act, also have a responsibility to report allegations of sexual misconduct to the YPD without including identifying details.
If you have a complaint or are seeking support related to sex-based discrimination or sexual misconduct . . .
Individuals with complaints related to sexual misconduct are encouraged to speak with staff of the Sexual Harassment and Assault Response & Education (SHARE) Center or to contact a Deputy Title IX Coordinator to obtain support and to understand their options. Individuals may also contact the University Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC) for information on bringing forward a formal complaint of sexual misconduct.
The Title IX website outlines the many services, resources, and reporting mechanisms available to address sex- and gender- based discrimination. For disclosures relating to sex- and gender- based discrimination, students should contact a Deputy Title IX Coordinator.
If you want to file a formal complaint. . .
In many cases, concerns can be resolved informally through discussion-based resolution. To report your concern to OIEA, you may contact the office and/or fill out this online form, and an OIEA staff member will be in touch with you to review your options.
Individuals may also contact the University Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC) for information on bringing forward a formal complaint of sexual misconduct.